Clear  Roadside
Committee Mission

The Clear Roadside Committee serves to coordinate a comprehensive roadside safety program for improving the safe and efficient use of highway right of way for the traveling public in the State of Georgia and to communicate the benefits of the program to governmental entities and utilities, encouraging statewide use of GDOT’s “Utility Pole Safety Program.”

Committee News & Information

There is no planned meeting at this time.


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CRC Minutes 1_11_2017

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Committee Members

Kevin Cowan, Jr. P.E. – Co-Chairman
One Georgia Center
600 W. Peachtree St., 10th Floor
Atlanta, GA  30308
404.631.1379 (o)
404-831-9330 (c)

Mark Tilden – Co-Chairman
Georgia Power Company
241 Ralph McGill Blvd., Bin 20030
Atlanta, GA  30308