This committee is responsible for establishing a program to coordinate general membership meetings. This committee is also responsible for the program agenda for the Fall and Spring conferences.
GUCC runs two conferences per year. Our spring conference is usually in April (dates change due to Easter and hotel availability) and one in the Fall, generally the first week of October. We are always looking for Informational topics/presentations that would be interesting for people in the utility industry.
Our conference tends to attract primarily a middle management type of employee from the water/sewer, power, phone, gas, and fiber industries. If you feel you have a presentation that might meet our needs, contact Terri Rosamond (email and phone number above).
CGA_ReducingDamagesThroughSharedResponsibility_KKerr.pdf Open | Download |
GAPOWER-Presentation_HowToReadGeorgiaPowerPlans_MarkTilden_-March-2023.pdf Open | Download |
Georgia811DataRockStar_ThoughtspotPresentation_GregAbernathy.pdf Open | Download |
MunicipalitiesandTrafficLights_March2023.pdf Open | Download |
PrivateLocating_JoelDavis.pdf Open | Download |
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