Get  Involved
GUCC offers many opportunities for involvement.

On a local level, you may want to consider going to the Local UCC meetings.  These meetings are statewide.  Some meet monthly, some every other month and others are quarterly.  Georgia has more statewide local meetings for Damage Prevention than any other state in the country.  Our Local UCC meetings are an opportunity for Information Sharing, meeting key contacts if you are working on a large project, or if you have issues and need to discuss them.  These meetings are open to Utility personnel, Locators and locate contractors and utility contractors and DOT personnel.   To find out which Local UCC is closest to you, please click on our Local UCC tab and pick the Region you work in.  The meeting sites are listed by county.  We do recommend that you contact the chairman in advance to notify them you are attending if you are not a regular attendee.

Committee involvement.  Most of our committees work on issues when involvement is necessary.  Some meet because it is time to update contacts and policy, some because local and state legislation requires discussion to take place and our committee’s help create an understanding of utility needs and involvement, and other’s meet to market GUCC.  If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact the Chairman of that specific committee.

GUCC Conferences.  GUCC conducts a Spring and Fall Conference.  Generally our spring conference is held near the Georgia coastline (in March or April) and our Fall conference is often held near the mountains (generally our first week of October).

Sponsorship.  Your sponsorship is greatly appreciated.  If your company is interested in working with us, send your company personnel to our conferences so we know more about your company through your personnel and help us by sponsoring our conference through monetary support.  Sponsors get their logo listed on our website and recognition at the conference.

Please refer to the Tab that best suits your involvement request.

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