Traffic  Control
Committee Mission

To provide a graphic oriented pocket sized version of the MUTCD chapter 6 focusing on traffic control.

Committee News & Information

The Traffic Control Committee actually meets when changes have been made that might greatly effect the information provided in the “Work Zone Safety Manual” published by GUCC. This book was originally established in 1994, then revised in 1999 and in its last print, was updated in 2011. The book is to be used with the MUTCD and it’s guidelines to help with Traffic Control in a work zone. The book is full of graphics that help you understand where to put flaggers and cones in a work zone. We will provide this to anyone interested in purchasing them at our cost of $4 per book (included shipping). To order please print out the Order Form on the right in our LIBRARY – we accept Visa/MC or Check made out to GUCC.   USE THIS LINK TO ORDER (last item on the page):


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Committee Members

Mark Tilden – Chairman
Georgia Power Company
241 Ralph McGill Blvd., Bin 20030
Atlanta, GA  30308