Committee Mission

Mission: This committee coordinates efforts in SAFE DIGGING Practices and does so by holding the Lester Feathers Damage Prevention Award every year at the Annual Conference.

Each year at the Annual Conference in March we award  the prizes for the Golden Backhoe and Lester Feathers awards.  Our Safety Committee always wants to make this presentation exciting and fun. In past years we have done skits to relay the damage prevention message.  We are always looking for new ideas to carry us into the future.  What would you like to see in the near future?  Please submit ideas to the safety committee chair.

Committee News & Information

***December 2021-  Donnie Murphy who has led the Safety Committee for more than 7 years has retired and turned the reigns over to Brett Brugh with Online Locating Services and Roy Rogers with Blount Constructioin.  The Spring 2025 Annual conference will be held at the Westin Jekyll Conference location scheduled for Tuesday March 25 – March 28, 2025.   

Each year the GUCC Safety Committee promotes safe digging practices throughout the State of Georgia. The Golden Backhoe winner can be from contracting companies of all types, municipalities, gas companies, electrical companies and water/sewer companies and etc., this list goes on. This Award is not limited to a chosen few. Anyone person and or crew/company that digs can qualify for this exemplary award. The nomination forms are filled out and submitted to the GUCC Safety Committee Chairman, at the end of August of each nominating year. From this list, one company and or crew is chosen as a winner of the Golden Backhoe Award from each D.O.T. Regions. Out of these 7 D.O.T. Regions of the Golden Backhoe Winners, The” Lester E. Feathers Damage Prevention Award” is chosen and is awarded to the crew/company that has outshined the others and has gone that one step further to make sure they maintained a high level of safety throughout the year in keeping their men and women safe.

The Safety Committee announces the winners of the Golden Backhoe Award and the Lester E. Feathers Damage Prevention Award with a creative program that presents the winners to an audience of the conference attendees. We recognize the winner from each region and applaud their hard work in damage prevention.  These awards are one of the highlights of the Annual Conference.

2019 Safety Winners


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2015 Golden Backhoe Winners and Pictures


2016 Golden Backhoe Winners and Pictures


2017 Golden Backhoe Winners and Pictures


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Lester Feathers Award Winners 2016



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Committee Members

Brett BrughChairman
On-Line Locating Services (OLS).
200 Rope Mill Pkwy, Ste 3.
Woodstock, GA  30188
770-668-4572 (c)

Roy RogersCo-Chair
Blount Construction Company Inc.